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Redlands Summit

Updated: Jan 23, 2019

Global Community Resourcing recently took a lead role at The Redlands Coast Showcases Innovation and Aged Care Summit (RIAC).

The showcase involved speakers from recognised leaders in the field of aged and community care, as well as innovators.

As part of our RIAC experience we teamed up with Conpago and FlyFreely, two local startups who are using technology to impact and change the way we respond to aged care and community care health.

Our Team of Interns and Students were also involved on the day, taking a variety of key roles.

Anne Livingstone, Director of Global Community Resourcing gave a presentation on Island Communities and caring for aging island populations. This speech focused on innovative approaches and included autonomous vehicles, smart devices, including smart fridges and cookers.

As part of our display we aimed to increase social engagement, holding prize draws announced on social media, using hashtags, as well as taking a selfie with the Conpago robot, Pepper.

The RIAC summit was a great success to the Redlands region, as well as displaying local knowledge and innovation to help the area in the fields of aged and community care technology.


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