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NDIS Workforce Centred Project

Global Community Resourcing is a partner of a Central Queensland University-led project researching the NDIS Workforce Needs Skills.

The project aims to identify the workforce demands, skills and training needs within the NDIS workforce in Queensland. The project will also assess the impact of the NDIS on the labour market, skills supply gaps, occupations difficult to fill and employment growth opportunities in different regional locations in Queensland as a result of the NDIS rollout.

To complete this research, the project team are inviting NDIS employers, employees and sole providers to participate in a survey and further interviews. Participants will be asked to complete an anonymous survey relating to their experience with the NDIS rollout in Queensland.

If you are interested in participating, please see the links to each survey below.

To complete the Employer Survey, click here.

To complete the Employee Survey, click here.

To complete the Sole Provider Survey, click here.

If you have any queries, please contact the lead investigator Professor Denise Wood by emailing


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